• Information and novelty searches:


  • Patent analyses can supply important information on current technical know-how and on the novelty of solutions for the most varied technical fields. Many inventions are published only in the corresponding patent specifications.


  • Infringement searches:


  • Infringement searches help to reveal whether third-party solutions infringe a registered patent right, or whether a proposed solution infringes rights already held by third parties.


  • Control searches:


  • Registered patent rights should be monitored at regular intervals to bring to light possible infringements by third parties. It is also possible to monitor the patents being filed by competitor organisations and companies.





As only the holder or originator of a patent or trademark right is entitled to use such rights commercially, it is possible to grant third parties permission for use by way of licence agreements specifying appropriate conditions.


A distinction is made between exclusive and non-exclusive licence agreements.


It may also be important to conclude an agreement requiring third parties to observe confidentiality both during the negotiations on a licence agreement and subsequently during the period of validity of the agreement itself (and under corresponding circumstances even beyond this period).